
Developing physical capacity test instructions, test feedback and training instructions for the FirstFit method

The FirstFit method is an assessment, feedback and monitoring system for the physical capacity of paramedics. The project focuses on developing the test instructions, test feedback and training instruction content as well as the operations model for the entire method. The initiative to develop the FirstFit method came from the field in connection with supporting paramedics in coping with physically straining lifting tasks, in particular.
Ensihoitajien FirstFit-hanke




The project aims to 

  • develop the test instructions and the content of test feedback and training instructions for the FirstFit method for paramedics 
  • support the implementation of the tests and determine field-specific reference values 
  • determine the connection between the FirstFit test results of paramedics and musculoskeletal symptoms and sick leave, perceived health and work ability 
  • develop the overall model for the FirstFit method. 

Phases and measures of the project

  • We are developing the written and illustrated test instructions for FirstFit tests to make them as usable and branch-specific as possible. 
  • We support the implementation of the tests and determine the first branch-specific reference values for the accumulating FirstFit test results of the paramedics. 
  • As part of the assessment of the tests’ validity and impact, we will determine the correlation between the FirstFit test results of paramedics and musculoskeletal symptoms and sick leave, perceived health and work ability as well as start determining the predictive value of the test results in relation to these indicators.
  • We will develop the feedback section for the FirstFit method test results, the result monitoring section and the training exercises and programmes from the point of view of promoting the health and work ability of paramedics. 
  • We will develop the overall model of the FirstFit method, including the process from the health risk assessment of the testing to the provision of test feedback. 

Results and impact

Paramedics will be offered the FirstFit method based on the physical requirements of their work. The FirstFit can be used to assess, monitor and, in particular, promote their physical capacity and work ability. This will lead to improved work ability and longer careers. The objective is to create a nationally harmonised method.

For more information about the project, please contact

Anne Punakallio

Anne Punakallio

anne.punakallio [at]
+358 30 474 2648

Project group


Fire and rescue departments producing emergency care services
Wellbeing Services County of North Ostrobothnia, Oys Emergency Care
Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland, Tyks Acute



Finnish Work Environment Fund 

Fire and rescue departments producing emergency care services

Wellbeing Services County of North Ostrobothnia, Oys Emergency Care

Wellbeing Services County of Southwest Finland, Tyks Acute

Finnish Institute of Occupational Health