Expert in the transformation of rural areas (Asiantuntija maaseudun muutoksessa, AMMU)

Effectiveness of the project
Rural entrepreneurs and experts working with them in counselling, education and development work feel uncertain about the future due to the structural change in agriculture, the progress of digitalization and climate change. Transformation challenges related to work and uncertainty about the future pose a risk to well-being at work and work ability.
Strong and new forms of co-operation between different operators are needed to strengthen customer service, education and the vitality of the countryside. The prerequisite for smooth co-operation is a shared understanding of the clients' needs and the operating practices that support them. This understanding helps you grasp how your work is changing and in which direction it needs to be developed, as well as the challenges that the transformation of work poses to your work ability, including skills and well-being at work.
A well-functioning work community is able to develop new creative solutions for success during a transformation and in co-operation with other operators. Successful co-operation, in turn, promotes well-being at work. A new feature of this project is that the development of work aimed at increasing the fluidity of operations and the development of well-being at work are linked into a common, intertwined process. Traditionally, the development of work and the development of well-being at work have been considered independent and separate development measures.
Objectives, implementation and results of the project
The aim of the AMMU project is to develop co-operation between ProAgria Oulu and Oulu University of Applied Sciences, as well as the work and well-being at work of experts.
During the project, practices that develop work and promote well-being at work will be studied, piloted and tested. New operational models will be studied at the levels of both the work community and the individual.
The project will link the development of work and well-being at work in a new way.
Based on the understanding of the common vision of transformation, partners involved in the project will identify the development needs of operations and well-being at work. The methods used in this are the work development roadmap method and the Primer workshop model. Based on the identification of development needs, new forms of co-operation and means of supporting well-being at work will be built. This promotes the smooth flow of work, work performance and well-being at work.
As a result of the project, an online development model for multi-location expert work will be created which will meet the needs of clients and training in a changing operating environment. The model combines work development activities and the practices of promoting work ability and well-being at work in a changing operating environment.
The expert personnel, management and supervisors of ProAgria Oulu/Oulu Rural Women’s Advisory Organisation and OAMK/School of Engineering and Natural Resources involved in advisory, education and development work will participate in the development of the co-operation model. The Finnish Institute of Occupational Health provides development support.
The results of the project can be used by other similar expert organizations, farms, rural enterprises, their entrepreneurs and employees as well as students in the sector. Furthermore, the results of the project are applicable to multi-location co-operation networks in other areas.
Our experts

Mervi Halonen
Project group
Jaana Laitinen
Anu Perälä
Hilkka Ylisassi (–30.11.2022)
Project partners
European Social Fund and Pohjois-Pohjanmaan ELY-keskus