MetsäTurva – More effective use of safety data in forestry SMEs

The project aims to:
- raise awareness and support an understanding of safety-related factors in the various areas of the wood supply chain (logging, transport and forestry)
- study which of the safety data collected and recorded in the various links of the wood supply chain are critical and which benefit the contractors in the sector the most
- lay a foundation for the development of safety-related observation and reporting
- study how the safety data recorded and reported can be used in the orientation, instruction and training of employees and general communication more effectively.
Data and methods
The participants of the research project include six forestry companies from large companies to small and medium-sized enterprises, in addition to five organisations and Metsäteho Oy.
In the project, occupational safety is being looked at from the perspective of the human factors (HF). This allows us to pay attention to the factors that influence success at work, at the level of work, individuals, teams and organisations.
The research materials will consist of safety-related data from the wood supply chain and the statistics of the Finnish Workers' Compensation Centre (TVK). The project will involve observations of work, themed interviews and workshops related to the topic at the subject companies.
Results and impact
The results will provide an opportunity to use a focus on the human factors in the development of companies’ work and organisations. The results will also be available when applications are developed for processing and using safety data in forestry.
Our experts
Metsäteho Oy, Metsäalan Kuljetusyrittäjät ry, Teollisuusliitto ry, Koneyrittäjät ry, Yksityismetsätalouden Työnantajat ry, Tornator Oyj, Metsäliitto Osuuskunta – Metsä Group, UPM-Kymmene Oyj, Koskitukki Oy, Versowood Oy, Stora Enso Oyj, METO - Metsäalan Asiantuntijat ry, Metsähallitus Metsätalous Oy
Työsuojelurahasto, Metsäteho Oy, Metsäalan Kuljetusyrittäjät ry, Teollisuusliitto ry, Koneyrittäjät ry, Yksityismetsätalouden Työnantajat ry, Tornator Oyj, Metsäliitto Osuuskunta – Metsä Group, UPM-Kymmene Oyj, Koskitukki Oy, Versowood Oy, Stora Enso Oyj, METO - Metsäalan Asiantuntijat ry, Metsähallitus Metsätalous Oy