The quality of indoor air and indoor environments of sport facilities and their possible effects on the well-being and health of employees - LIIKU
Indoor sport facilities differ in many ways from normal public workspaces. There is very little research data available on the quality of their indoor environment and air.
The project provides significant new information on the perceived and measured indoor air (chemical, microbiological and particulate exposure) and indoor environment (ventilation, sound environment, usability of facilities) quality of various indoor sport facilities and their underlying factors and possible effects on the well-being and health of employees.
Data and methods
The study includes field studies in various indoor sport facilities, laboratory and test chamber studies, surveys for users of the facilities and a literature review related to the subject. Field studies and surveys are carried out in various indoor sport facilities (a different indoor sport facility in each of the 15 sites studied). Public swimming pools, ice halls and football halls have been excluded from the study.
In addition, a national survey for the employees of various public indoor sports facilities on the usability of the facilities and indoor climate will be carried out with a comprehensive sample size.
Results and impact
The project provides an understanding of the quality of the indoor environment, indoor air and usability of public sport facilities.
The aim of the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health in the project is to examine employees' experiences of indoor environments and the usability of sport facilities through questionnaire surveys and to participate in laboratory analyses and reporting.
Based on the results of the research, recommendations and tools for improving the indoor environment and air quality in sport facilities and the usability of the facilities can be provided, consequently promoting the health and well-being of the employees and other users of indoor sport facilities.
Our experts

Sirpa Rautiala
Research group
Aalto University, The Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare (THL) and Finnish Institute of Occupational Health
The project is coordinated by Professor Heidi Salonen from Aalto University.
Product Manager Sirpa Rautiala acts as the project manager in the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health's part. Other research group: Pia Sirola, Kari Salmi, Pirjo Jokela and Suvi Hirvonen.
Research cooperation also includes e.g. Queensland University of Technology (QUT), International Laboratory for Air Quality and Health (ILAQH), Turku University of Applied Sciences, University of Eastern Finland, Eurofins Expert Service Oy, Rakennustietosäätiö, Finnish Society of Indoor Air Quality and Climate
The Finnish Work Environment Fund, City of Vantaa, City of Espoo, City of Helsinki/Sports services, City of Helsinki/Rakennetun omaisuuden hallinta, City of Kerava, Association of Finnish Municipalities, Aalto University Campus & Real Estate, Ministry of the Environment, Ministry of Social Affairs and Health, Liikunnan ja terveystiedon opettajat ry, Finnish Olympic Committee