Assessment of the implementation of rehabilitative psychotherapy

Rehabilitative psychotherapy provided by the SII is a primary publicly funded form of mental health treatment in Finland. It is targeted at those individuals who are at risk for disability to work or study due to mental disorders. Recent studies suggest that rehabilitative psychotherapy may decrease work disability, but the effects are not evenly distributed across the population.
Our aim is to:
- Describe the use of rehabilitative psychotherapy based on different nationally representative datasets.
- Compile studies on rehabilitative psychotherapy and draw up a review of them.
- Compare the implementation of publicly funded psychotherapy in other countries with a high level of social security (e.g. Nordic countries).
The results will be published in a summary report in October 2024.
Data and methods
The project consists of three work packages following the objectives.
Work package 1: Assessment of the rehabilitative psychotherapy use
We will describe the use of rehabilitative psychotherapy based on SII's statistics on psychotherapy clients whose treatment started in 2018. In addition, the results will be supplemented with a comprehensive Rise of Mental Vulnerability registry data, which is a combined dataset comprised of Statistics Finland, Kela and the Finnish Centre for Pensions registers (33% population samples from the population sample data for 2010, 2013 and 2016). The data is used to examine whether there have been changes in the use of rehabilitative psychotherapy regionally or in different socioeconomic groups.
Work package II: Narrative review
The review will synthesize all relevant high-quality research data related to the topic. We will draw up a summary of published research, considering effectiveness studies and information on the implementation of rehabilitative psychotherapy among various groups of the population.
Work package III: Psychotherapy systems by country
We will investigate the implementation of publicly funded psychotherapies in the Nordic countries, among others.
Results and impact
Identifying the challenges related to the implementation of rehabilitative psychotherapy by population groups allows the equal development of rehabilitation. The results of the project will help to further develop rehabilitative psychotherapy implemented within SII's system. The report will identify concrete development areas and provide tools for development.
The report will be published in a seminar to be held on 3 October in cooperation with the Social Insurance Institution of Finland. More information about the seminar and registration will be published later this spring.
More information about the project

Sanna Selinheimo
Project Manager, Senior Specialist
Research group
Funded by