Succeed together – Well-being at work, management and client involvement in the social and health care reform
The project examines what affects the successful implementation of the social and health care reform from the point of view of the management, employees and clients of social and health care organizations. Co-ordination of different perspectives supports the management and implementation of the reform, which is promoted with national network and communication work.

The project is part of the Kestävää kasvua ja työtä 2014–2020 – Suomen rakennerahasto programme:
- Employment and workforce mobility (Line of action 3)
- Improving productivity and well-being at work (Special objective 7.1).
The project consists of three components:
- Strategic work ability management in the social and health care reform (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Keva, Siun sote, Essote, PHHYKY, Kymsote ja Soite)
- Social and health care professionals as experts of client involvement (Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Finnish Institute for Health and Welfare, Tampere University, University of Helsinki)
- Social and health care leaders – successful changes through good HR management (Local Government and County Employers KT)
The project aims to:
- coach the staff and management of social and health care organizations as active agents of change, support their competence and well-being at work and create new types of joint development practices suitable for the social and health care sector.
- support the compilation of effective management models and good practices in the management of social and health care reform.
- develop networking activities and co-operation so that good practices and operational models are disseminated and established in the organizations involved in the project, the whole municipal field, social and health care organizations and their networks and groups.
Our experts

Eija Haukka
project manager, specialist researcher
Eija.Haukka [at]
+358 30 474 2656
European Social Fund