Safety Learning in Immersive Virtual Reality – SLIVeR
While the potential of IVR has been recognized in various training applications, there is a lack of theory-based pedagogical models to guide the design and implementation of IVR-based safety training processes.

This project will develop a pedagogically centered approach to designing and developing training content for IVR.
The research questions are:
- What kind of pedagogical model and method support the acquisition of skills and learning content in immersive VR occupational safety training?
- How should a training scenario in the immersive VR environment be planned and carried out for effective learning outcomes?
- How does the safety content learned in immersive VR transfer to working life practices?
Data and methods
The research is done in an applied setting with workers from two organizations: one in the energy sector, and one in the public authority sector. We will make use of both quantified and quantitative metrics for understanding the user experience within IVR and for measuring the training outcome and learning transfer.
Results and impact
The results will help in developing more effective and efficacious safety training solutions utilizing immersive virtual reality.
Take a look at the publications produced in the project on University of Lapland's website:
The project is funded by the Finnish Work Environment Fund, the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, the Lapland University, Fortum power and Heat Oy, and Stereoscape Oy.
Research group
A joint project co-operating with professor Heli Ruokamo and Anu Lehikko from the University of Lapland.
FIOH researchers are Kristian Lukander, Mikko Nykänen, Eero Lantto, Frans Simpura, Elias Salonen, Jose Uusitalo and Anna Raappana.
Our experts

Maria Tiikkaja
projektipäällikkö, tutkimuspäällikkö