
Usefulness of occupational health care client portals in the promotion of work ability and working conditions (TYTTI)

The use of digital services in occupational health care has increased. This project examines the use of client portals in the cooperation carried out between occupational health professionals and clients related to supporting work ability and the healthiness and safety of work.
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Occupational health care client portals are important tools for cooperation between occupational health care, workplaces and employees. Although the use of client portals is widespread, little research has been carried out on them as of yet.

The aim of this study is to examine the use of occupational health care client portals, their perceived usefulness and the significance of the data obtained from client portals in supporting work ability and developing the healthiness and safety of work.

Data and methods

The study is a cross-sectional study in which data is collected using multiple methods, namely surveys and interviews.

The subjects of the study are employee and employer clients and occupational health professionals who use occupational health care client portals.

Results and impact

The study will provide new information on the use and usefulness of digital services in occupational health care. In addition to this, the study will provide information on different user needs from the perspectives of the employee, the employer and the occupational health professional.

The results will benefit occupational health care providers in terms of identifying areas of improvement in client portals and increasing their usability. The results will also benefit clients as client portals are developed to better meet perceived client needs.

Research group

Sari Nissinen, project manager, researcher

Erja Sormunen, researcher

Pauliina Toivio, statistician

Contact us

Sari Nissinen

Sari Nissinen

sari.nissinen [at]
+358 30 474 2751


The Finnish Work Environment Fund and the Finnish Institute of Occupational Health